Wednesday July 15, 2020.  Feast  of  Saint Bonaeventure

In this reading we meet again the passionate Jesus and he clarifies for us what he is passionate about. We see that he is consumed by a desire to reveal his Father’s “gracious will” to all, and that each of us need to have the openness of a little child to it.

Be with Jesus and listen to his deepest desire for you. Perhaps this desire is more that you would appreciate all that you already are, than all you yet might become.  In many Gospel passages, it is difficult for Jesus to even continue to convince his hearers that he is more than just any wandering preacher – and when he claims to forgive sins, many think that he is really ‘going too far’.

But in this passage, things are carried further still – so that these Gospel lines have been compared to a thunderbolt or meteorite appearing in a perfectly everyday sky : Not only does Jesus tell us that he himself is one with the God of heaven – but he calls God his Father; and, further, he speaks of an intimate relationship between Father and Son.

True humility and an open mind can lead us to the love and knowledge of God. Child-like simplicity and humility is the soil in which the grace of God can take root.

Jesus comes into the world to fulfill the plan of the Father, and he reveals the importance of the Father, drawing us into an interior relationship with him. In giving himself completely to the Father Jesus wants to show us the Father’s love, and that it is through him that we are God’s children.

No matter what happens on life’s journey Jesus is always present with us. He wants to bless us and reveal the Father’s love as we draw closer to him. Can I open my heart more fully to receive the gift of God’s love just like the simplicity of a little child longing for the loving embrace of a parent?

There are so many clever and well-educated people around nowadays! But, just as in the time of Jesus, wisdom may sometimes elude them. As in his life, a habit of regular prayer, of communication with God who loves me, will reveal to me the secrets of God’s heart.

A curtain is drawn back here to show the unique personal relationship between Jesus and his Father. The distinctive and intimate name ‘Abba, Father’ appears five times here. This is the common domestic name in Aramaic (Jesus’ native language) by which a child would call his/her natural father. For presuming this unique and intimate relationship, the scribes and Pharisees condemned Jesus to death on a cross.

Do I see myself as ‘wise and intelligent’ or as an ‘infant’? Pride keeps us from the love and knowledge of God. It closes the mind to God’s truth and wisdom.

Pray everyday the serenity prayer:- ‘Lord, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’

Be with Jesus and listen to his deepest desire for you. Perhaps this desire is more that you would appreciate all that you already are, than all you yet might become.

God Bless you.  Have a wonderful day.