Am I ready to lose my life?

Monday July 13, 2020 Feast of St. Henry Reading: Isaiah 1: 10 – 17; Responsorial Psalm: 50; Gospel: Matthew 10: 34 – 11: 1 Today’s readings contains some of what are called the hard sayings of Jesus: choosing to follow him means some hard choices in life, some...

God’s Word Accomplishes It’s Purpose

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Isaiah 55: 10 – 11; Responsorial Psalm:65; Romans 8: 18 -23; Matthew: 13: 1 – 23 This week, we hear from the book of the prophet Isaiah, and the theme of this short passage is the Word of God. How wonderful that we are hearing...

He is Aware of a Sparrow

Saturday 11, 2020 Readings:  Isaiah 6: 1 -8; Responsorial Psalm: 93; Gospel: Matthew: 10: 24 – 33  In this Gospel reading Jesus continues to elaborate on the price we will pay for being his followers. He also opens up for us the reality of his Father’s...

Persevere and Witness

Friday 10, 2020  Reading: Hosea 14: 1 -9; Responsorial Psalm: 53; Matthew: 10:16 – 23   What an assignment! Jesus’ disciples are to proclaim to the religious and secular powers of this world the basic message that a new order of things is drawing...