Celebrant: Dear brothers and sisters, the Lord is in our midst. In this joy, we turn to our heavenly
Father with our prayers and petitions:
1. As we begin our preparations for the upcoming Synod of Bishops, we pray that the Holy Spirit
will bless these efforts richly, we pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer.

  1. For peace in our world: beginning in our won hearts, and extending out to family, parish
    community, town and country we live in, that all people may live free from violence, and in safety
    and security we pray to the Lord.. R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.
  2. For young people: that they may listen attentively and respond to God’s call to the priesthood
    and religious life, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
  3. For married couples, single parent families, who are struggling to raise their children in today’s
    challenging world, that their bond of love and faithfulness toward one another will mirror the love
    that Christ has for his Church we pray to the Lord.
  4. For all the deceased especially Delroy Franke, for near and dear family members whose passing
    we find hard at this time of year. May these precious and beloved ones now enjoy the peace, light,
    and joy of their heavenly home, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
  5. For the elderly and confined to care homes, for those who are hospitalized, especially Deaya
    Manysiak, the lonely and isolated at home and for all of us who are undergoing personal struggles
    a this time, we pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer.