Introduction: The celebration of Jesus Our Saviour is particularly appropriate as we celebrate the
Feast of Christmas in the darkness of winter. At this time, nature itself seems to remind us of the
darkness of sin. Into this darkness, in the midst of our sinfulness, God comes to dwell among us.
John’s Gospel reminds us that through the Incarnation, God saves us from the darkness of sin and
makes us his children.
Kindly rise for opening hymn.
Prayers of the faithful
Celebrant: Dear brothers and sisters, in Christmas joy and hope, let us present all our needs to
God with confidence.
1. For the Church: that she may joyfully proclaim the birth of our Savior and transform the world
through word and deed, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.

  1. For lasting peace: that the coming of the Prince of Peace will put an end to all enmity and
    division, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord, Hear our Prayer.
  2. For families: that they may welcome the Christ-Child into their homes and experience his
    blessings and peace, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
  3. For the sick and lonely especially Athen, Deaya Manysiak, that Christ who shared our humanity
    may renew their strength and rekindle their hope, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
  4. As the Church prepares for the Synod in 2023, may these preparations lead us ever more deeply
    into the communion of the Church, foster our participation in it, and equip us for mission, we pray
    to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
  5. For those who experience any kind of hardship, illness or sorrow during the holidays: that they may
    know the love of Emmanuel, God with Us, we pray to the Lord. R: Lord hear our prayer.
    PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH……We pray to the Lord…..
    We bow our heads and remember in silence our own personal intentions and the intentions of those
    who have asked for our prayers (pause briefly), we pray to the Lord.
    Celebrant: Loving Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope. As you answer our prayers, give
    us grace always to bear witness to him before the world, for he is Lord forever and ever.    R.