Monday: Sept 12: The Most Holy Name of Mary.
Tuesday: Sept: 13: Saint John Chrysostom
Wednesday: Sept 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Thursday: Sept 15: Our Lady of Sorrows.
Friday: Sept 16: Saint Cornelius and Saint Cyprian
Saturday: Sept 17: Our Lady’s Saturday. Saint Robert Bellarmine, Saint Hildegard of
Upcoming Events:
Parish Family Day Sept 11, 2022: You are invited to join us for a parish Family Day
Potluck fellowship meal on Sunday Sept 11, immediately after the 11 AM Mass.
Children’s Liturgy: We have resumed Sunday Children’s Liturgy. We request parents to
encourage their children to participate in Children’s liturgy.
Sponsorship Appeal – Chalice fund: Sunday November 6, 2022
Altar Server’s Appreciation Sunday: Oct 23, 2022.
Volunteer’s needed for Various parish ministries: If you are interested to volunteers
at St. Mary’s parish there are positions you can help with! Please fill-up the form that are
placed at the foyer and submit to parish priest/parish office.
Liturgy, Celebration of Sacraments

  1. Children’s Liturgy: to teach and monitor /mentors
  2. Altar Servers: Adult and children
  3. Coffee Host/Ministry
  4. Lector/Reader
    5 Musician/Cantor/Singers – Music Ministry
  5. Eucharistic Minister
  6. Sacristans
  7. Funeral Ministry
  8. Care ministry (Visit to the Sick, elderly, disabled, housebound, hospitalized)
  9. Youth Ministry: Music Activity Planning
  10. Adult Sacramental Preparation Team member
  11. Volunteer’s: Teachers/Adults/parents to assist Altar Servers
    Parish Management
    Parish Council Member (PPC) As and when vacancy arise
    Parish Finance Member (PFC) As and when vacancy arise
    Parish Pastoral Core Committee: Members required.
    Building and Grounds Volunteer : Gardening, Lawn Maintenance, Snow Removal,
    Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, labour, construction, design/paining.
    Website: Designing / Photographer, Video maker, Writers, Contributor /Bloggers.
    Cleaning and Vacuuming Interior and outside the Church: