7 July 2024

Dear Parishioners and Clergy, Family and Friends,

Summer is upon us. School is out. Many if not most of you have packed up
and headed out for summer destinations in the sun. This is an annual ritual for
Canadians. Aah, to relax in the sun and share the hours with extended family and
friends. What could be nicer?
I have only one destination this summer… which I will share with you shortly.
I continue to be encouraged and overwhelmed really by the assurances of prayers
and well wishes for me. I feel that support very deeply, and I have a strong belief that
such prayers are sustaining me in mind, body and spirit.
To bring you up to date. In early 2023 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I
received radiation therapy for this, 25 sessions, and my radiation oncologist assures
me that the prostate cancer is as good as gone. A result of this, however, is that I
developed radiation cystitis in my bladder. This has caused a great amount of
bleeding; so much bleeding that as my blood levels would drop, I needed blood
transfusions. Over the past several weeks, I have received about eight units of blood.
This has slowed down more recently.
The preferred treatment for radiation cystitis is hyperbaric oxygen therapy; my
urologist referred me to the hyperbaric oxygen clinic at Misericordia Hospital in
Edmonton, the closest such unit to Grande Prairie. I am due to begin this treatment
– 30 sessions in all, about two hours per day Monday to Friday, for six weeks. I will
remain in Edmonton from next Sunday, 14 July until the end of August. That will be
my summer preoccupation – I look forward to this very much!
As you can see, I have high hopes for the success of this therapy. All the
literature on it sounds very positive. Each person’s body reacts differently to different
medical interventions, of course, so my hope is not without caution. My urologist
has discussed with me the other options should this fail. My trust is always in the
Lord, who is the author and source of all life and goodness. If my condition changes
significantly during the summer, I will send you a mid-summer update.

Sincerely yours in Christ the Redeemer,
Most Rev. Gerard Pettipas, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Grouard-McLennan

10301-102nd Street, Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 2W2
Phone : (780) 532-9766 Fax : (780) 532-9706 Email : archbishop.agm@live.ca